The Company
The centrifuge is a simple yet effective machine. It can be found in laboratories rotating at high speeds and being utilized as a process of discovery, isolating, and refining its contents. It is this same systematic, data-driven approach that Centrifuge Training Canada utilizes in delivering pragmatic solutions to the modern problem solver.
A law enforcement (LE) driven company; we specialize in vehicle-based tactics such as VCQB®, HRVS, vehicle interdiction techniques (VIT), low-light programs, patrol tactics, injured shooter, and custom contract courses. Many of our materials combine live fire with non-lethal training ammunition (NLTA) to best deliver the content to our students and make them as ready as possible for real world situations.
Will Petty
William Petty began his law enforcement career in 2003 in Albuquerque, NM. While there he served as a firearms instructor, an emergency response team (ERT) member and was also a member of the department’s shooting team. In 2011, Petty relocated to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates where he worked as a counter-terrorism instructor with the Critical National Infrastructure Authority.
In 2013 (to present) he returned to the U.S. and resumed law enforcement with his department in Texas. While there he worked patrol and ran the firearms programs for several large regional police academies. He has and continues to run contract courses establishing various programs and in-service material for major local, state and federal departments in the United States and Canada.
Stefan Van Tassell
SVT started police work in 2005 and has experience with both municipal and federal agencies. Half of his service has been as a patrol Constable and included secondments to the firearms training team, riot control squad and as an acting patrol Sergeant. The other was on a full-time tactical unit where he cross-trained as an assaulter and LE sniper and was responsible for resolving high-risk incidents including warrant service, fugitive apprehension, and hostage rescue operations.
In that time, he was responsible for numerous instructional and operational portfolios within the SWAT team and has documented over 4900 training hours from internal and external sources. He now serves in a part-time capacity assisting both patrol and training operations for his department.
Taz Clark
Taz is a full-time police officer for a major department in Western Canada with more than seventeen years of service. He has extensive instructional experience for his organization, including both in-service and recruit training programs. In 2016, he became a lead instructor for the agency responsible for numerous portfolios to include emergency vehicle operations, less-lethal (ARWEN) instructor, master Taser® instructor and most notably responsible for updating all vehicle-based tactics for the service.
Prior to this, he was part of front-line operations for more than 9 years as a patrol Constable and an acting Sergeant, as well as a key member of the special munitions team inside the department’s riot control squad. For over fifteen years, he has continued to seek the most updated and advanced training from the highest levels of Canadian and American tactical sources.